
Outpost volunteers are all about CREATING COMMUNITY.
Outpost in the Burbs is driven by volunteers - regular, extraordinary folks like yourself - who spend some of their time engaged in improving the quality of life in northern New Jersey. We partner with other organizations on community service projects, and there are many volunteer opportunities at the Outpost itself. You can help with the shows, administration, fundraising efforts, procuring donated supplies or equipment, or posting concert flyers at stores on on social media. As an Outpost volunteer, you are invited to help produce our concert series (now in its 37th year!) by working on the Publicity, Hospitality, or Program committees.
To learn more, email Gail.
Community Service

Community Service
Building community is integral to the Outpost. We partner with other organizations to assist others in need, including the Community Food Program in Orange NJ,
MESH (Montclair Emergency Services for Hope), The Human Needs Food Pantry of Montclair, and Toni’s Kitchen.
Do you watch the Food Network? Do you imagine yourself coming out on top on The Iron Chef? Here's an opportunity to feed your inner sous chef while feeding people who are truly hungry. On the first Saturday of each month, volunteers from Outpost in the Burbs prepare a hot meal and a bag lunch for 150 people at the Church of the Epiphany in Orange. We could use your help. For this event to run smoothly, we need 8 to 10 volunteers to help prepare the meal, wash pots and pans, set up the dining room, make sandwiches for bag lunches and serve the meal cafeteria style. Outpost in the Burbs supplies all the ingredients and you show up to help turn it into a hot nourishing meal. We begin to cook promptly at 10 am, serve the meal at noon, and are done just as promptly by 1 pm. Come spend 3 hours on a Saturday morning into afternoon doing something beneficial for the community in the congenial company of really nice people!
All Community Food Program volunteer opportunities are on SATURDAYS at:
Church of the Epiphany and Christ Church in Orange at 105 Main Street, Orange, NJ 07050 (Map)
​Space is limited to 10 volunteers each workday so please contact Phyllis Simon, Outpost Community Food Program Coordinator, by email at pzsimon@aol.com or phone/text at 973-715-1118.
If you want additional information or have an idea for a new community service project call us at 973-744-6560 or send an email.